¶.Monster/2024 November 6: What

2024 November 6: What
In which...; fuck.

How does one respond to this madness.

Even if she had won, it would have been close and the underlying issue would have remained for America: tens of millions of voters actually—ahem, what-the-fuck—WANT this asshole to be president, again, even knowing what we know now, even with him being a convicted felon. Even with all the thousands of things, big and little, that should have dismissed him from the race—that would have dismissed anyone other than him. Can you imagine if any of the Democrat nominees had done any of those things he's done. Hypocrisy doesn't begin to cover it. Shouldn't the results at least have been closer, and dragged on for a day or two before being called. What reality do these people think they live in.

I am thankful that Colorado went 80% blue. I am thankful that the nation and the world was introduced to Tim Walz, and very sorry that he won't be the VP this go-'round. I hope he sticks around and remains a hopeful presence. Wouldja do that, coach?

Four more years, with potential repercussions lasting much, much longer. Will we learn, will we ever goddam learn.

There's a post going around talking about Terry Pratchett, from one serialephemera:

Thematically speaking, the most important thing Terry Pratchett taught me was the concept of militant decency. The idea that you can look at the world and its flaws and its injustices and its cruelties and get deeply, intensely angry, and that you can turn that into energy for doing the right thing and making the world a better place. He taught me that the anger itself is not the part I should be fighting. Nobody in my life ever said that before.


Quote I read just now from Mer Yayanos, of The Parlour Trick, who is worth listening to in these moments:


David Tennant, of Doctor Who, quote from 2016:

It's time to be positively rebellious, and rebelliously positive.

Catherynne Valente rephrases an old zen proverb:

What do we do before disaster?
Chop wood, carry water.
What do we do after disaster?
Chop wood, carry water.